Thursday, May 30, 2013

Interesting Facts About LA Dodgers

The Dodgers were an american baseball team that originated in Brooklyn New York from 1884 until 1975 when they moved to Los Angeles and became the Los Angeles Dodgers. The name of the team was named after the residents evading the city's trolley street cars. In 1947 the Dodgers were the first to sign in a black player in the modern leagues in 1947 by the name of Jackie Robinson. Another name that the Dodgers were given when they were in Brooklyn were the "Brooklyn Grays". The Dodgers were formed by real estate magnate and baseball enthusiast Charles Byrne who convicned brother-in-law and a casino operator to start the team with him. The Dodgers rival was the Giants. The heated and historic rivalry between the Dodgers and the Giants is more than a century old. It all began when the Dodgers entered the National League in 1890. Those two teams played in New York City. When both were transferred to California after the 1957 season, so did their rivalry. The cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco have been long rivals in economics, culture, and politics. I chose the Dodgers because they currently represent LA which I live in. They inspire me to do better every single moment of my life because they are a very motivational team which went through many obstacles to get themselves to where they are now. They made a huge difference for signing up Jackie Robinson which was a very valuable player during that time. They made a difference because not a lot of baseball teams during those times believe it was okay to have a black male on the team. Segregation was still in action but the Dodgers became the bigger person and did not care about the Segregation act. They did what they believed it was right.